
When you go to your eyelash extension appointment, the lash artist will take the time to discuss the look that you want to achieve with your new lashes. During this time, or even prior to the appointment, you want to take the opportunity to speak with your lash artist and ask them questions about what to expect, their credentials, and any other questions that you may feel that it is important to know. At Cherry Lash, our goal is to help you feel comfortable while also providing you with amazing lashes. We offer three base lash extension packages and from there, our lash artists will work with you to customize the look to your preference. If you are interested in receiving the lashes that you have always dreamed about, contact Cherry Lash to book an appointment at one of our two convenient locations. In the meantime, continue reading below for six questions that you should ask your lash artist.

What are your qualifications?

Before you let your lash artist start work on your eyes, it’s important to know whether or not they have reputable qualifications. Believe it or not, but some lash studios don’t require their artists to receive any sort of formal training before they start applying lashes. Luckily, at Cherry Lash, all of our lash artists go through rigorous training to ensure that your new eyelash extensions look gorgeous!

What should I expect?

If you’ve never had eyelash extensions before, you may feel a little nervous, especially if you don’t like people being near your eyes. It’s a good idea to ask your lash artist what you can expect when they are applying your new lashes. Understanding the process will help to calm your nerves and make you feel more comfortable during the application.

How should I care for my new eyelash extensions?

Once you receive eyelash extensions, you can’t just forget about them until it’s time to get them refilled. There are certain ways that you need to care for them to ensure that they not only look nice, but that they also last as long as they possibly can. It’s important that you ask your lash artist what you can do to care for your lash extensions to ensure that they look their best.

Is there anything that I should avoid doing?eyelash extensions

One of the best things about eyelash extensions is that you don’t have to avoid any of your normal activities. With lash extensions, you can go swimming, go to the gym, and even sleep without having to worry about ruining your gorgeous lashes. However, the first 24 to 48 hours after your lash extensions application, there are some restrictions to what you can and cannot do. Before you leave your appointment, it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what is not allowed.

Why do you love lashing?

The reason you want to ask your lash artist about why they love lashing is because you want an artist who is passionate about giving their clients gorgeous, thick eyelashes. Someone who sees lashing as more than a career is someone who will work hard to provide you with the amazing lashes that you deserve. Not to mention, it’s a good way to get to know your lash artist and find out what they see as the most rewarding part of their profession.

At Cherry Lash, we are passionate about providing our clients with amazing lashes that they will love. If you are ready to receive beautiful eyelash extensions, then contact Cherry Lash in Henderson or Las Vegas to schedule an appointment today!

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