It has become extremely popular recently to document moments in our everyday lives with photos.
If you’re at an event with friends, you will probably take a few photos that represent how much fun you’re having, or if you’re on a hike, you might whip out your phone to take a picture of the beautiful landscape. The same notion applies when you wake up feeling great about the day or you put a lot of effort into your appearance and you want to document how good you look, in which case you would take a selfie. Taking the perfect selfie is an artform, and in part one of this series, we gave you a few tips to help you take a beautiful selfie. As we continue with part two, we will give you even more tips to make your selfie as flawless as possible.
If you’re looking for a way to look selfie-ready at all times without all of the hassle, Cherry Lash is here to help. With our eyelash extensions, you can have amazing lashes that last between three to four weeks before you have to get them refilled. Instead of spending hours in front of the mirror each morning applying false eyelashes or layer after layer of mascara, you will wake up with beautiful lashes every single day. To learn more about our eyelash extensions or to schedule an appointment with one of our lash artists, contact Cherry Lash in Las Vegas or Henderson today!
Take Selfies in the Morning
Morning is the best time to take the perfect selfie, especially if you want to capture how great your hair looks or your latest outfit. When you wake up and get ready in the morning, everything is new. Aim to take a selfie after you’ve already washed your face, applied your makeup, and done your hair. As the day wears on, all of the work you did in the morning will start to fade, so it’s best to capture your appearance at its best.
Capture the Shot From Above
Taking the perfect selfie is all about playing to your angles. The goal of the selfie is to take a flattering photo of yourself, therefore you don’t want to angle your face or your camera in a way that would make you look bad. Play around with different angles to see which one looks best for you. One suggestion we recommend is holding the phone so that the bottom is level with your eyes. The high angle will have a slimming effect on your face. From there, you can experiment to see which angle you like the most, whether it’s with your chin tucked down and your eyes angled upwards, a photo from the side, or another unique angle.
Don’t Over Edit Your Photos
Once you take a selfie that you like, the next step is to edit the photo and post it on social media. That being said, editing isn’t always necessary, and if you do decide to edit, you always want to make the least amount of changes as possible. The best way to edit your photos is to find a filter that you like. When you apply a filter, it is added to your whole photo, making it easy to get a flattering tone that you like without the risk of over-editing.
Take Advantage of Your Natural Expressions
Instead of trying to force a smile or turning your lips down into a pout, try playing around with your natural expressions. When you try too hard to get the perfect look, it can leave your expression looking forced. If you want your selfie to stand out and look like you pulled it from the inner pages of a magazine, it’s a good idea to let your face be natural. You can try different techniques like exhaling through your mouth as you take the photo or saying the word “yes” in your head. By playing around with your natural expressions, you’re more likely to take a photo that doesn’t look posed.
Look Your Best
The first thing you should keep in mind when taking the perfect selfie is that you want to look your best. Luckily, if you live near Henderson or Las Vegas, Cherry Lash is here to help! Instead of working hard to make sure that your makeup is pristine, our eyelash extensions give you the freedom to start each day with effortlessly gorgeous lashes. We offer three base packages and our lash artists will work with you to customize the length, curl, and thickness of your lashes. Interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment? Get started by contacting Cherry Lash today!
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